Tama te Uira is the atua of forked lightning and Hine te Uira of sheet lightning. Both of these atua also represent the electrical charge that occurs in the brain when it sends a message to the extremities of the body. The recipient of this award is recognised for the similarities they have to Tama and Hine te Uira as the atua that represent the spark of innovation, the flash of creativity and the flare for making change.

Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Open to any individual educator of Māori decent.
  2. Must be a registered teacher, with a current practising certificate (either full or provisional).
  3. Must be currently employed by a licensed or certified early learning service or kōhanga reo; or a registered primary, intermediate, secondary or area school, kura or wharekura.
  4. Can be nominated by any individual or organisation.
Award Criteria:
  1. The nominee will be an ‘electrical charge’ in a Physical Education space – diligent, hardworking, reflective.

  2. The nominee demonstrates innovativeness, creativity and has a flare for making change.

  3. The nominee will have a positive impact on the individuals and/or community they work with.