The award of Life Member may be conferred by PENZ on members who have given long and distinguished service in the cause of physical education.

The honour is given sparingly. In general, it is given only when the service rendered has been nationwide and outstanding in nature. Life Membership will carry one vote in the affairs of PENZ.
Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Must be a current member of PENZ.
  2. Must be nominated and endorsed by at least two members of PENZ as either individual or from two different member organisations.
  3. A minimum term of membership applies to this award.
Award Criteria:
  1. The nominee has demonstrated long and distinguished contributions on behalf of PENZ that supports the purposes and practice of physical education at a national level.

  2. The nominee has made long and distinguished contributions to the physical education profession in a way that expands and advances the knowledge, use, and applications reflected in the vision, values and purpose of PENZ.

  3. The nominee has contributed long and distinguished leadership to the kaupapa or strategic priorities of PENZ by fulfilling various roles as a role model, a professional, a leader and advocate for physical education. The nominee has also contributed to the leadership of PENZ by fulfilling various roles in the governance and/or management of PENZ at the national and regional level.
Additional Requirements:
  • Prerequisites for the award require nominees to have been a Member for not fewer than twenty-five (25) years (with the exception that an overseas professional physical educator, now a New Zealand resident, who has been a Member of PENZ for not fewer than fifteen (15) years and who meets the prescribed criteria, may be considered for a Life Membership Award).
  • In recognition of the potential for an individual to be disadvantaged due to the organisation, in which they are employed, not holding membership, total service to the profession may be considered. In these cases, they must have been a member of PENZ for a minimum of 10 years, either as an individual or as part of the organisation and provide evidence of a connection to PENZ outside of membership.
  • A comprehensive statement of no more than 1500 words that reflects the four criteria in explaining why the nominee is worthy of being awarded a Life Member of PENZ.